About Us
Father James F. Profirio-Bond, ofj
813-361-7109 (Cell)
Presiding Bishop Most Rev. James Sherlock, ofj
267-475-3940 (Cell)
Auxiliary Bishop Most Rev. Thomas Wieczorek
616-813-3782 (Cell)
National Catholic Church of North America
Mary, Mother of Hope, Diocese
St. Dorothy Catholic Community Orlando/Winter Park, Florida
Marriages, Baptisms, Confession, and Anointing of the Sick may be arranged by contacting either one of the Priests/Deacon for Weddings, and Baptisms. Please see last tab on top for "Celebrating the Sacraments".
St. Dorothy Catholic Community Mission Statement
We are an Independent Catholic Community welcoming

all to fully participate in our spiritual life, which is based

on the message of Jesus to love unconditionally God and our neighbors.